Sunday, February 6, 2011

If Time is Relative, Can One Truly Waste Time?

For this week's topic, tell me things you like to do that might be considered a waste of time...

This is an interesting topic because it doesn't ask for what you enjoy to do in your free time.  To me, that is different.  I like to play basketball and work out in my free time.  However, I dont think people would think these activities are a waste of time.  

However, I play Angry Birds quite often and this is a waste of time.  It is even more a waste of time when you consider that I have beaten every level, and I am now going back through the game to beat each level with a three star rating.  I think video games are a waste of time.  Many would disagree and that's ok.  Trust me.  As I rotate from COD, to Assassin's Creed, to Alan Wake, I know that this is not a wise use of time.  

I'm sure many of you have watched movies multiple times.  This is one of my favorite ways to waste time!  There are some movies I could watch over and over.  When I was little, it was all the Disney movies.  I still can sing all those songs from those movies.  When the First Lord of the Rings film came out I think I saw it something like 11 times in the theatre.  Yikes.  That is nearly a day and a half of watching one movie.

Finally, I am proud to say that I read some books over and over again.  In the early 90s I discovered Robert Jordan's The Eye of the World.  It is the first book of the Wheel of Time series: a series that makes the Harry Potter books look like glorified Dr. Suess books.

The Eye of the World was actually first published in 1990.  There are now 13 books in this Fantasy series.  The 14th and final book will be released sometime this year.  Robert Jordan wrote the first 11 books, but passed away of a rare blood disease in 2007.  He selected Brandon Sanderson to finish his series using his outlines and notes.  I have been reading this series for the past 15 years of my life.  It seems like every two years I go back and reread the books form the beginning.  A waste of time?  Certainly.  Do I care?  Certainly not.   


  1., i never heard of the eye of the world tho? those it have a movie?cuz i like movies, i'd rather watch the movie than to read a whole book unless it exicts me. but anyways, does that mean that this week's blog is about stuff that are a waste of time?if so, my topic, facebook.

  2. Facebook would be a great topic...I know a ton of people waste time there!

  3. LMAO!!!! to hear you sing Disney songs I would post 2 BLOGS just to hear

  4. I have read the wheel of time series twice now and Im sure I will again someday. I really enjoyed the latest book and I'm looking foreword to the next one. Also I have to applaud your love for lord of the rings.

  5. ...........First games are dumb and the biggest waste of time. Do you seriously sit at home and play them? and what is "Angry Birds" ? My little brothers and dad play COD NONSTOP. all they ever want to do is go and try to "outkill" eachother.....One of my biggest wastes of times is probably just sleeping. I LOVE to take naps and go to bed early like a grandma. My boyfriend actually gets mad at me because sometimes i would rather sleep than hang out with him....where is the crime in that though? there isnt a crime in that in my opinion. I also am a shopoholic, I could probably go to a "SA" (shopoholics anonymous) meeting and receive help.....but what can I say, I love clothes.
