Sunday, September 26, 2010


So one of my seniors this week wrote a post about her dog.  I think it's pretty cool everything that you can do with these blogs so I'm going to jump on that idea and add a little bit to it.  First, let me give you a little background on her.  I rescued her this summer from an animal shelter.  My vet says she is a Shepherd-Lab mix.  Her name is Bella.  However, she has quickly earned the more accurate title of Bella-Monster.  She requires ridiculous amounts of attention and takes being a puppy to another level.  Anyway, here is a picture of the devil:

I know.  She looks cute.  Don't let her fool you.  She's sneaky.  I gave her a little attention and a home and she is now dominating my life. 

For my sophomores out there, I did think about naming her Tim Johnson.  However, I don't ever want to have Ol' One Shot take my girl down, so rather than risk that outcome I went a different route.  Alright...I have some more grading to do for you guys so I'm gonna get going.

Wait, one last thing...define Irony: Ne-Yo's song "Beautiful Monster" coming up on my iTunes mix as I finish this post?  I think so. 


  1. I love dogs Mr. Potter! That is one cute dog, but i think mine is cuter! My dog isn't sneaky though, just old :D I love that song by NeYo too, that is so ironic!! Ironic means coincidental or unexpected by the way! lol:)

  2. lol is that the same dog that peed everywhere that morning on your way to school?? lol goodtyms lol : )

  3. The same. She still does...Dang dog.
